Silverstar ^M^M^MGolden trip 
My phone holder breaks the night before the trip.  Ominous.
My phone holder breaks the night before the trip. Ominous.
Viewed: 128 times.

[640x480] [4000x3000]
Viewed: 115 times.

Broken down by Lake Wapta
[480x640] [3000x4000]
Broken down by Lake Wapta
Viewed: 120 times.

[640x480] [4000x3000]
Viewed: 151 times.

[640x360] [4320x2432]
Viewed: 125 times.

[640x480] [4000x3000]
Viewed: 136 times.

[640x480] [4000x3000]
Viewed: 114 times.

[480x640] [3000x4000]
Viewed: 116 times.

This ground squirrel has carrots, strawberries and sunflower seeds, in what looks like a zoological experiment of some kind.
[640x480] [4000x3000]
This ground squirrel has carrots, strawberries and sunflower seeds, in what looks like a zoological experiment of some kind.
Viewed: 116 times.

[640x480] [4000x3000]
Viewed: 119 times.

[640x480] [4000x3000]
Viewed: 134 times.

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